Sunday, November 25, 2012

Critical time much?!


It's the time of the year again!
Exam~~ in two weeks time.

Here are my notes all over the wall. Notice there are some chords too!
Lols~ that's going to be a project post exam!
Weee~ need to study now!

Friday, November 09, 2012

Not ME~

I'm losing myself..
I can feel it. I am gradually growing further away from being myself,
My personality. My behaviours. My attitudes. I used to be different with
People whom i feel comfortable with. But now, they are very far away. T-T

I dont really feel the friendship like i used to feel with the old friends
Back then. Maybe that is why i dont like being here.
Already counting days to get back to malaysia even it was only a day in Dublin.

Not really complaining. But just feeling a bit down.
In the end walls would be there. I could not fix it though.
Well, i dont know. 2 and a half year to go!

May ALLAH ease my journey~

Friday, July 27, 2012

organic skincare!


 i love organic skincare~ as a highly conscientiousness person as i believe myself to be, organic/natural is a must and too much chemicals can bring a lot of harm. i even detest medications for that reason too. (maybe i really am an OCD after all =D). The organic brands that i'm currently using are Origins and Skinfood as far as i know.

 I think lots of korean skincare are based on plants and herbal ingredients while the japanese brands such as biore and some of their face primers would almost likely to contain alcohol (which i'm allergic to it; tiny little bumps had started to show up when i tried clinique range which turned out to be a big failure!) i dont know why i talked about clinique which is obviously not a japanese brands. Maybe it was really a bad experience that i would never dare to try any of its skincare line ever. except for clinique makeup range. =p

 the key thing about elements that would produce good and authentic organics to me would mean that they are without any preservatives ; paraben, PABA, etc. and must have natural extracts of plants or some sort of herbs in them. Even though i still use some products that contain paraben in them,(unfortunately, which is in my all time favourite (HG) Cetaphil cleaser), but I am trying to minimize their usage as much as possible. For now, origins and skinfood are the most products that i purchased heavily throughout these past years. Maybe this would just be me myself who is overly obsessed about organics, but i really think we should try to limit the dangerous little things that we use daily. Because who knows, they might slowly accumulate and end up to be troublesome later on. Thus, organic skincare is the best choice! haha. =) (is it enough to influence people already? =D)

 some of the products that i love to use from those two brands:

 as a start, i have an oily skin with occasional breakouts which obviously tells that i dont have clear skin. T-T. so, many of the products would almost definitely not suitable for those who have dry skins, since me too can get flakiness when using them especially in winter months! i do not stick to one brand for my entire skincare routine but i mix and match different kind of brands that i think most suitable for my skin.

 so lazy to google image the products. I just list out the full name of the products and you can google it if you want! =)

 1. skinfood rice white mochi pact SPF25 PA ++

i've used it for almost 2 years already so i can definitely say that i like this compact powder as a daily routine.   but i do not recommend it for oily skin or darker skin tone people. this powder absolutely has zero oil control and as the name itself is rice, so you would expect it to be really white. 

 2. skinfood buckwheat loose powder

at first, i dont really like this loose powder. it was too white and not evenly done on my face using a sponge. However, after i begin to apply it using a kabuki brush, i find that it really evens out the skin and i would say has moderate oil control. not so bad for a loose powder. if you have an oily skin, i recommend you to wear a base first to have a longer makeup staying power.

 3. origins out of trouble 10mins mask

I really like this mask! did a good job to reduce blemishes overnight but can be overly drying. so i would not suggest it for drier skin. i also use it for acne spot treatment and it does wonder to my skin.

 4. origins brighter by nature skin tone correcting makeup SPF 30

i'm not really sure about this one because i rarely use it. but i can safely say that it is not suitable for dry skin because it may accentuate the fine lines on your face. it does not have a good oil control but a high SPF would be a plus while travelling as you can touch up without having to carry your sunscreen around.

 I just bought a couple more products from skinfood. i'll review it later on if only it is good enough to be raved on. huuu~

 (i really love to read reviews on products before i buy something, so i figured that many would like to read reviews too! in return i posted short reviews on each of the product that i purchased. it is just to give my sincere opinions, no other things intended!)

and neutrogena brands really are dermatologist recommended because i heard it myself from the doc. (i know, out of topics)=D

 happy ramadhan everyone!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Research project.. The end!

Wee~ finally! After weeks of works and sweats(as if) we submitted our research paper!

I really had a great time working with my partner! She's soooo sweet! Here's what she wrote to me....

Hope we will keep in touch megan! =)