Saturday, April 16, 2011


feeling glooomy and sad.. bt couldnt figure out what's d cause of it..
mybe him, im in denial~~

Monday, April 11, 2011

happy 5th ANNIVERSARY bubu~~

wee~ it has been 5 years already.. we've been through happy, sad, mad, sweet and sour moments..
jus want to say i love u sayang! =)

juz 4 u bubu!

really cant wait to see u~
may ALLAH bless our relationship..
many years to come..
less than 3!!

juz seeing the daisypath ticker makes me smile~ =))

nk bg bu vid yg bi wat siang mlm tu~ tp bu bkn cm nk tngk pn je~
so i cancelled sending it.. xpela~ xyh tngk pn xpe..