Sunday, May 22, 2011



it's been a while now.. seriously, im very lazy to update..i just got back from dublin!
and here i am, MALAYSIA!! <3<3<3
since my blog is rather randomly written, so i add a new segment plus im in a 4 months holidays right now.. so here it goes....
 OoTD  = outfit of the day!
hehe.. nk gempak je name.. =p

so this is my outfit that i wore last saturday when my family and i went to jusco to watch movie! hehe..

please ignore my messy room, no time to clean up yet..=p

dress: H&M
jeans: pull & bear
necklace : TOPSHOP (a beday gift fr my ousemates..thanx!! <3)
jacket: H&M
scaft: turkey (bought by my sis)

that's all.. yeah, such a boring post..but maybe this segment can boost up my effort to update this blog..hee~



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