Saturday, October 08, 2011

missing d love ones~ T-T

mak abah~

latest pic of d family w/o k long, fatin n azryl in it though.

It has only been 3 weeks or so since i flew back to dublin bt i really do miss them.... T-T
no internet makes things worse. cannot skype viber fb! waaaaaa~~ drive me nuts with tonnes of workload plus new classes and projects. im all stressed out to d max. mayb i should start a countdown to meet them.. they are going to come to dublin in the next summer! insyaallah~ weee.. at least i have something to look forward till d end of my second year.. really hope everything would turn up up well and i will pass with flying colours this time too.. amin...


dont have any latest pic together~ ='(  one year has passed, another 9 months to  get to see him......
we contacted each other lesser these days since internet has become a huge barrier for us.. waaa.. xsuke! miss bu damn much~ T-T sorry for having to listen to my complaints to the end last night even though it's our 1st skype since i got back in dublin.. =( rindu bu sngt.... tahu x~~~ haih... 


a pic dated a year ago.. miss d old times... ='/

been wanting to skype with u like forever since i got back here.. want to tell u lots of story.. u owez give me strength to move on and live up to expectations.. waaa... rindu la da~~ nk g klas same2 lg cm dlu2 boleeeee x..................T-T  wait up for me.. till we meet again next year.. nk skype ari2 ngn da je rase..............


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