Sunday, July 24, 2011

of trying out HyunA bubble pop by catalina!

a night wedding! just been there once which was yesterday~ huu..
a very grand like dinner with people looking very elegant yet glamorous!
so, i decided to try out the look on my 'makeup tutorial' post.
i tried to remake it as close as possible but without putting on black liner excessively.

fyi, i dont like wearing heavy makeup n im sooo in love with koreans' makeup which tend to be so natural + as simple as possible!

lets get goin peeps!

pardon my poses people! hee..

for my face, i do not wear foundation.. juz a sunblock (neutrogena), bb cream (skin79 hot pink) and compact powder (skinfood)..
i dont wear any blusher YET for the time being..teehee~
+ i found that no editting is needed after i started taking VCO catalyst! with Allah's permission of course.. i feel that my skin is less oily and the creams r now easily blendable than before..
ceewah! padahal x smpai sminggu pn lgi gune..heee...
n as for the lips, now i prefer gloss rather than lipstick itself.. dunno why~ haha..
+ i'm so into nature republic ( a korean brand! again~~ *sigh* haha) lipglosses.. there are soo gourgeous gliding on the lips..LOL

the makeup is not quite the same but almosssttt~ hee..
love this look! can it be my casual day look or is it too much?
hmm... a food for thought!

gudnyte everyone!

social networking!

i think it's bad! really2 bad~~
u'll be an unpaid stalker even if u dont want to...
at the end of the day...
 u'll get hurt and crying all alone~

can i just deactivate everything???

sorry, the pic suppose to be sad...

ah, pedulikan semue nye!
kalau ade jodoh, kite jumpe lagi~

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life is bitterly sweet~


I once read from a friend of mine's blog or her tweet if im not mistaken, we r better off asking from Allah to be a stronger person rather than asking for an easier path of life. That phrase made me think for a while so that the true meaning of it cud sink into my mind. And I realized it is true. Stated in the quran that Allah will burden us with all challenging predicaments but only to the extent of our limit. It's not called a life if it is meant to be easy all the way til the day we leave for the barzakh. Hence, ask Him for the strenght to face the obstacles that we wud come across in this precious life lent by Allah. But it will do no harm to us to just seek for help fromHim to make our journey here a smooth one as dua' is the powerful weapon for us muslims~

I think i wrote this as an aftermath of watching 'sekali lagi'. A great film n storyline i must say, and to top it up there are lisa surihani n sam n also the ever cutie miasara! I cried half the way through the movie indeed. Even though the story is so novelish type, but it carries useful messages for the audiences to ponder upon. There are reasons behind everything that happens. I have always bear that in mind during the hard times. Because Allah knows the best for us.

In that movie, shiela was arman's first love and first n the last wife he have had. Oh, is this kind of love and passion still exists now? I wonder~ hmm... I really hope that our relationship will last long bubu~ even the distance put us apart, but the love will grow. Each and everyday with Permission from Him.

We cudnt spend time together as much as we want now, but there are the rest of our life to spend together later... When im 'sah' to be yours....

Of jiwang post with no pics!

Friday, July 22, 2011


it's been a while since we had a web call~ hee... an awesome 2 hours of chatting indeed!

captured by him! =p bajet sungguh pose itu~

salu tngok org len je wt cmne.. nk try gak! gedik tol~~ =D

bi miss bu so much! realized that i dont really miss the routines, but I MISS U~~
less than a year til our true date~ =) 

the weirdest thing happened the other morning....
i woke up with tears in my eyes...
and one rolling down my cheeks... and i knew
i must have been
dreaming of you again~

pimp myspace

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

makeup tutorial! =)


ramadhan is coming people! im looking forward to it AND my family would be complete during this hari raye~ super duper happy! hee..

juz laying down the bed and watching some makeup tutorials from my top 3 makeup youtuber! huhuhu..
here, i want to share the latest from catalina, a very sweet look inspired by hyunA bubble pop MV.

really LOVE this look! she is soo pretty and good in makeup too! love subscribing her on youtube~ im goin to try it out juz to have some difference on my face.. LOL

have fun and happy coming ramadhan!!!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

org kawen...lagi~

yesterday just went to another wedding with a grey theme.. i think grey is very in trend during this engage-wed season! =D
aftr that, i as an unpaid engagemnt PA for kak nisa   =pp went all d way to bangi to make her E-outfit a success! haha.. it was easy bt d fact that she wasnt here made some things quite difficult. the design that she really wants is indescribable! but i think its pretty easy, myb i cudnt explain it clearly to the tailor. huhu.. at the end of the day, the money is what mattters right? whoa~ it was really expensive. bt its reasonable since if u want to just rent the clothes, it'll cost u about rm800 and this is for 2nd, 3rd and so on hands..and for 1st hand, rm1500! waaa~ tailors r rich u know. =)

my mom n i also took some pics of the mini pelamin that r offerred by that bridal boutique to show at kak nisa~ long way to go.. outfit, checked! =D


my face is not symmetrical! one eye is slightly bigger than the other one.. =)