Friday, July 22, 2011


it's been a while since we had a web call~ hee... an awesome 2 hours of chatting indeed!

captured by him! =p bajet sungguh pose itu~

salu tngok org len je wt cmne.. nk try gak! gedik tol~~ =D

bi miss bu so much! realized that i dont really miss the routines, but I MISS U~~
less than a year til our true date~ =) 

the weirdest thing happened the other morning....
i woke up with tears in my eyes...
and one rolling down my cheeks... and i knew
i must have been
dreaming of you again~

pimp myspace


  1. pikaaa comelnyaaa . kita dengan bf kite tengah ade problem . dia marah kat kite . then dah dua hari dia tak kontek kita . sedihlah :'( kite bapak lemah eh , try tak kontek dia gak , tunggu dia cool tapi tak boleh . huuu

  2. Dila!! Huu~ hmm.. Die mrh btol ke tu? Lme gak dh smpai 2 ari dh tuh. Mybe, kte rse kalo dh 2 ari, xpe je dila try cntc die. Bt juz bg msg2 sorry dlu. Tngkla, nnt kalo die dh cool tu, msti die rply. =)


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