Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life is bitterly sweet~


I once read from a friend of mine's blog or her tweet if im not mistaken, we r better off asking from Allah to be a stronger person rather than asking for an easier path of life. That phrase made me think for a while so that the true meaning of it cud sink into my mind. And I realized it is true. Stated in the quran that Allah will burden us with all challenging predicaments but only to the extent of our limit. It's not called a life if it is meant to be easy all the way til the day we leave for the barzakh. Hence, ask Him for the strenght to face the obstacles that we wud come across in this precious life lent by Allah. But it will do no harm to us to just seek for help fromHim to make our journey here a smooth one as dua' is the powerful weapon for us muslims~

I think i wrote this as an aftermath of watching 'sekali lagi'. A great film n storyline i must say, and to top it up there are lisa surihani n sam n also the ever cutie miasara! I cried half the way through the movie indeed. Even though the story is so novelish type, but it carries useful messages for the audiences to ponder upon. There are reasons behind everything that happens. I have always bear that in mind during the hard times. Because Allah knows the best for us.

In that movie, shiela was arman's first love and first n the last wife he have had. Oh, is this kind of love and passion still exists now? I wonder~ hmm... I really hope that our relationship will last long bubu~ even the distance put us apart, but the love will grow. Each and everyday with Permission from Him.

We cudnt spend time together as much as we want now, but there are the rest of our life to spend together later... When im 'sah' to be yours....

Of jiwang post with no pics!

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