Sunday, July 24, 2011

of trying out HyunA bubble pop by catalina!

a night wedding! just been there once which was yesterday~ huu..
a very grand like dinner with people looking very elegant yet glamorous!
so, i decided to try out the look on my 'makeup tutorial' post.
i tried to remake it as close as possible but without putting on black liner excessively.

fyi, i dont like wearing heavy makeup n im sooo in love with koreans' makeup which tend to be so natural + as simple as possible!

lets get goin peeps!

pardon my poses people! hee..

for my face, i do not wear foundation.. juz a sunblock (neutrogena), bb cream (skin79 hot pink) and compact powder (skinfood)..
i dont wear any blusher YET for the time being..teehee~
+ i found that no editting is needed after i started taking VCO catalyst! with Allah's permission of course.. i feel that my skin is less oily and the creams r now easily blendable than before..
ceewah! padahal x smpai sminggu pn lgi gune..heee...
n as for the lips, now i prefer gloss rather than lipstick itself.. dunno why~ haha..
+ i'm so into nature republic ( a korean brand! again~~ *sigh* haha) lipglosses.. there are soo gourgeous gliding on the lips..LOL

the makeup is not quite the same but almosssttt~ hee..
love this look! can it be my casual day look or is it too much?
hmm... a food for thought!

gudnyte everyone!

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