Wednesday, June 08, 2011

jalan TAR!


how's the holiday people? me.. goin out every single day n lovin it! huhu.. =)
yesterday i went to jln tar n got a great shock due to its drastic change of fashion in only 8 months time.
wa, this sure is sumthing! anyway, i bought 2 gorgeous denim or i wud say jeans syiria n awning at HAJRA~ it is under the same company as ARIANI but this one i tell u, has lots of decent styles especially for teens n young adults compared to ariani which to me is more to like formal things..i even bought another 5 selendang which i dun even know how to wear..haha

this is syiria. i dun wear its inner that comes with the scarft coz its so melekap! haha
looks chubby gle!

i bought two of these for rm150..cheaper than if u buy one only becoz it'll cost u rm85 for one.

here's the shots of my outfit for that day~~

grasshopper shades.. cm burok, need to buy a nicer one.. =)

outfit was juz a mix n match. hee~


(need to brush up my skills in photography.. the pics r blurry n not cool!)

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