Thursday, June 16, 2011

my da! =)

another day out with da~
and currently was my 3rd time going to times square in this week! haha..
seriously, there are many new shops with more sophisticated looks dresses,blouse, shoes n all~
plus, u cn go to sungei wang too coz it's juz a walking distance from ts. there, many more shops that can make ur purse goes empty! huhu... =) absolutely loving ts more than b4! <3

a shot b4 going out!

mr ramen is not yummy~ =(

we did watch super 8 which i think is an amazing movie with good sense of humour even though there r more young characters compared to the adults. n oh, my sister joined us too becoz we had to pick up the specs dat we ordered yesterday.. turns out quite nice (maybe..haha) although me looking kinda weird at first wearing the specs.. =p
n syida is staying overnight at my house! super duper like!
luv u da~ =)

p/s : tibe2 rindu bubu sngt~ nk dating ngn syg... ='(  cptla next summer........


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