Saturday, June 04, 2011

of manicure+pedicure with my dearest da!


i meant to write about my day out with da a few days earlier..hee~ sory da! =p
so, we went to IOI boulevard to have manicure+pedicure sesssions.. (our 1st time woo..(=)
BUT, our day did not start there, started at mamak stall, BRJ! LOL...

next, we headed for IOI mall with me knowing nothing about the route..huhu. we juz followed the map on my ipod bt dat didnt help much really~~ sian da kne marh2 je..huu..sory ek..=(
bt we still got there after many turn around at puchong..haha..n the first thing dat we did , of course taking pics! =D

 still, we got there very early than the appointment made, so we went to IOI mall since it's juz opposite the buiding.. there was a flirty pakcik trying to talk us to eat at his stall..eww~ pakcik please behave okay! haha..IOI mall is very big with so many popular stores surprisingly. nevrtheless, lack of shoes stores really a major turn off la.. especially for girls kn ( young adult lagila kn da?? =pp) huhu..
im craving for tutty fruity since i was in dublin because i heard so much raves about it..fortunately, there is one here in this mall bt it is rather small and shares the same spot as a fast food that i think is new coz i've never heard of it b4..

this cost us nearly rm20. a bit expensive for  plain yougurt + toppings..i tot it is ice cream.haih~ vry disapointed .....
then, here was the big event. m+p! huhu..

 haha..the m+p was fun indeed! they were so funny and entertained us throughout the sessions. i added buffering for toenails bt da added for her fingernails.. (i noe d reason da...hee~)
next, we headed back to kl n went straight to JUSCO cheras for the sake of having lunch..we had kfc which was the first for me since 8 months.. sedap2! huhu..

hee~ i heart u da! muaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! =)

it was a very fun day! 8 months waiting for this moment... da, please come back to kl faster okay.. nk kuar shopping2 lg~~ 

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