Thursday, June 30, 2011

transformer fever with d sis! =)


yesterday my sis n i went to watch transformer at d nearest mall we cud find. earlier that night, i've searched high n low for ticket reservation with all but failed. all hotspot cinemas were all booked up until this sunday! whattha?? aftr watching it, now i know y people r so crazy bout this movie.

seriously hilarious+cool+action packed! 2 thumbs up~ huhu

see! very cheap!! =D
dats what u got if u choose the-not-so-popular-mall~

aftr that, we headed straight to mid valley. haha..two places in a day~
what a tiring day~
even though father's day has long been gone, bt we cn only get abah's present yesterday~
so sorry abah! hee~ me and 2 of my sis shared to buy a samsung mobile phone for abah!
hope u like it abah. next year for mak pulak ye.. (jgn majok2~ hee..)

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