Thursday, March 31, 2011

portal hypertension~

i need to do some preparation for my pbl session tomorrow at 9! waaa~~ it's already midnight and i dont know what else to google.. ever since i have started this pbl thingy, i become a hater of googling~ huhu..
want to know why?

because every single thing in the learning goal must be searched in the net. not that i cannot find it in the books, but books r really limited here.. so~~ mr google is very helpful but i dont like u anymore la..hee~
but guess what?? tomorrow Will be my 3rd last pbl! yahoooooo!!! =)))

super duper like2!

and now i have to continue googling around about portal hypertension. i wonder why people love drinking alcohol even though there are many bad sides of it. isykh3! u cud get portal hypertension which is caused by liver cirrhosis which then leads to potal hypertension that consequently leads to jaundice, splenomegaly and dot dot dot........just some medical stuffs.. boring~

got to go..tata!
till then, LOVE UR LIVER!! =)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

april is coming!

im so lazy to update this week.. maybe there is no interesting occassion i guess.. just goin to classes as usual..
and oh, we finally got our exam timetable and it'll end on the 9 may people! i have a week of shopping spree before flying back to my lovely Malaysia~~ =) hehehe..

just ordered some cool stuff from elf cosmetics and cant' wait for them to arrive.. i think within these 2 weeks.. do check them out! suitable for budget makeup starter like i am.. just want to try out some new things after being promoted by my dearest sister, kak nisa!!
here's the link~

 i bought this one and a few other brushes and tools.. not really want to try their makeup because im afraid it will not compatible with my skin though.. hee~

i want to share one of my favourite makeup tutorial = xteener! like her asian look + beautiful makeup~

that's all for the update today.. and by the way, im going to have the final exam in 1 month time. hope to get flying colours because i want to go home early.. amin~ 
and it's going to be april soon! i really3 love april!! =))

Friday, March 25, 2011

ku manhaera~

'Sometimes in a relationship, there may be one person who seeks out closeness with the other person (the pursuer) while his/her partner (the distancer) wants more space or independence and pulls back from the relationship'

family system theory

i'll stop being the pursuer...i'm just tired of this vicious cycle...
if u dont get what i mean, just google it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Masa berlalu
Tanpaku menyedari
Percintaan yang kita bina Hampir terlerai

Apa salahku
Kau buat ku begini
Dalam dilema
Di antara jalan derita

Tidak pernah ku duga
Ini semua terjadi oh.. oh...

Janganlah engkau
Menghancurkan segala
Setelah lama
Kita mengharungi bersama

Usah biarkan cinta kita yang suci
Di lambung ombak
Karam di lautan berduri
Hanya satu pintaku
Moga kau menginsafi oh.. oh...
Semua ini...

Telah banyak yang ku beri
Sejak dulu lagi
Pengorbanan tiada pernah jemu
Hanyalah Tuhan saja
Bisa menentukan semua
Kesabaran daku menantimu oh.. oh...

Ku tetap memaafkan
Dan berdoa kau kembali
Sebelum diri melangkah pergi...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


u've thorned it to pieces twice
but i happily put them back together~

and now it bleeds again..
i dont know what to do~
will it heal??
this time, i honestly dont know~~~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

bad day!

sory coz i wanna write this entry in malay. juz to give more dramatic impact to it..

bengangnye arine!! rase nk, sepak org je.. isykh!!
motivate myself to 'jangan tunggu sngtla bende yg dh tao xkan jadi pn.. buang mase, punah harapan hancur impian je nnt'.. dont put high expectation on something that u really sure that it is not going to happen..
trust me! it will let  u down so great that u eventually want to cry all day long~~
it's the best ever thing for me to get rid of my sadness..
aaah~~ what the?? i cannot go on like this.. i must do something bout it but i dont know what!


everything is rather gloomy n dreadful for me now...
wish to just forget bout everything~~
but i know, i cant................

what's more, i got knocked down by a guy while holding lots of groceries in the bbus just now! just completed my bad day~~~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my da!

who is ur bestfriend??
is it someone close to u right now, or is he/she far??
haih~ mine is very far....

miss u so much!!
luv u so much!!

she's always there when i need her...
she's always can understand me...
she can read my mind.. (pretty cool heh?) =p
she knows my secrets..hee~
she knows me well..
she's a motivator for me..
she's the reason me n hazmi to be an item..=)
she's the place i gowhen im down..
she's the place i go when im happy..
she's my guardian..
she's my life...
and the list goes on~~

dunno what to do without her..
we'll soon meet! we're going to go shopping, travelling, snapping pics, n lotsss more tao2...

do take care of urself.. dont eat food that could cause u diarrhoea.. isykh3! =(
dont be sad, u must stay strong.. nnt jgn cr keje jaoh2 tao, kt kl jgk tao! nk jmpe da selalu~~ T T
luv + mis u da!!

gud luck for ur german exm tomorrow~ =)

Monday, March 14, 2011


pre-menstrual syndrome is really synonym to girls~
i personally dont really hate it but if it's getting out of control, sometimes u'll get annoyed too.
today was a complete disaster.
afternoon lectures were all cancelled and we only knew bout it after 4pm! what the?? so tired+having a bad stomachache+ feeling gloomy (cause really miss bubu~~ T T )+ going bacck and forth to uni toilet! can u even imagine that??
but patience is half of our iman~~

so be patience people!  even though it is ur hormone fault~~ hee...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


where are u? so hard to get in touch these days since terengganu is having a great flood..
pogoshipta! wanna talk with u so badly~ =(
im counting days to meet u!
we surely must take lotsssa piccas together tau2!!

c o u n t d o w n to meet

DA! =*

 another 2 MONTHS n A WEEK to go~

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


miss those moments~ T T
miss u~~
where r u now?
havent been skyping for few days now... ='(

bi nk bubu........

 p/s i love u~

grand iftar + post viva dinner!

this week has been very busy so i dont have much time to update this blog, but i'll now share both events that happened on different days.. =)

grand iftar was held at malaysia hall. we dressed in baju kurung the whole day, which the class started at 9-5 straight with only an hour interval for lunch. phweeeh! so tired.. but~~~ the food was super duper good! huhu.. didnt get chance to snap many pics on that day bcoz the food was the main

oh, i met one of my integomb senior there but unfortunately i didnt know her but she did know me.. what a shame~ hee..sorry sis, maybe i dont know my integomb seniors well. huhu..

then, here goes the horror part.. i got a physiology test + anatomy viva on the same day! that is today.. really busy studying anatomy the whole weekends but didnt touch any physiology book. but it ended up with less correct answers for anat and almost perfect physiology test...haih~~ very saddening, but i did try my best. just pray that the marks would be just fine..

and the best part was, my rumate and i went straight to 79 buffet for a dinner and had some shopping after that.. wee! a pretty tiring day~~
italian corner..

japanese, chinese and thai corners

so delicious!

different kind of spaghetti and pasta!

salad +dessert + more spaghetti!hee~


very serious face while eating..haha

the unique water jar~

me in the morning~ =)
oh, i witnessed a snatching handbag episode in front of my eyes just now. it was at the bus stop while waiting for the 'ever popular but will stop soon' 128 bus.. poor the girl, very shocked that she only yelled 'oh my god' and no one seemed to run to catch the bad guy~
so, people! be careful next time~


Sunday, March 06, 2011

goguma couple!

anyeong~ =)

just a quick update on the korean reality show that i recently fall in love with.. <3<3<3
chiotta! huhu.. goguma couple younhwa+seohyun~

wedding photoshoot..romantic~

they even have cartoons

aww, soooo sweeet!

u should watch them in we got married! really sweeeet couple.. hee~
cincha2 ya! huu~

Saturday, March 05, 2011

obsessive compulsive disorder. is it too harsh??

today i wanna talk about my habit which i'm afraid it's caused by paranoid that later can develop into OCD.. oh no! i just learned from my hdbs pbl that if someone who has ocd tend to become very obsessive over a small thing.. hmm~~

it's all started when i got some kind of facial redness with some small bumps over my entire forehead, cheeks and also my nose. it was really damn horrible and deep depression followed back then only because of that dermatological cause.
but now, alhamdulillah after going to dr yap (an old sometime fun sometime sarcastic dematologist..haha.)my face is getting better. and here comes the best part, from then on, i've been using tissue papers to wipe my face! i mean on every single time i wash my face. tissues have become my companion whenever i go in the past few years..

i dont know. i just feel that if i wipe my face with towel or left it to dry, there will be
bacteria that stucked everywhere to ruin my face again.. AAHHH! very paranoid.. hahaha..

need you~~ huhu

so is it OCD or i'm just being paranoid? huhu..
as quoted from my anatomy instructor, 'medical students always diagnose themselves out of paranoid after learning some clinical points' =P
it's so true~~ hahaha..


Friday, March 04, 2011

need new hairstyles people?

i'm currently obsessed over korean thingy. they r so cute even though they put on less makeup. so jealous! huhu.. hairstyles r very subjective since we need to match it up with our face shapes. u know like if u have a rounded face, then u should'nt have a very short hair and what so ever..
so let's look at my current style obsessions! =)

really love her fringe~ so cute..
i'm so into fringes and bangs..but i'm not sure if it really suits me or not. hmm~ wanna change my hairstyle so badly.. =(
but for shorter hairs, i like this kind of style.. see below~

ouch, so adorable! huhu
wa, i'm officially so into straight cut with a fringe.. haha

if longer hair is ur option, then u should consider her style..

her bangs is so hot!

i'm going to get a new hairstyle when i'm back to malaysia.. so what about you guys?
wanna change? change NOW! hee~

all pictures r courtesy of mr google..

is english THAT important??

why english is essential in our life? compared to other languages such as my mother tounge MALAY! and also arabic.. personally, i really love arabic but it is too sad, bcause after been studying arabic for about 15 years, i have to let go and go for english!.haha..but i still read quran in arabic.. good2.. =)

now, i think i have to start conversing more in english because i'm not very fluent like others here in dublin. really need to polish it up bcoz it will be very important to me during my clinical year..
AAARGH! i'm very scared if that thoughts crossing through my head...
so, motivate me! english english english..

as a kick start, i'll be posting in this blog in english.. =)
so, minna! wanna join me? let's englishing.. huhu


Thursday, March 03, 2011

maen masak2.. =)

arine my turn unt msk..kteorg cm ade sistem giliran stiap ari spe yg msk cmtu~
so, arine saye msk nasi lemak! huhu..jom2, tngk care2 saye msk ns lemak..hee~

kte perlukan telur ye rakan2~

kmudian sepinggn ikn bilis~

ayam unt dbakor (kte bakor2!)

aleh2 sambal telur dh siap!

ikn bilis yg hangus sket, pastu hias bajet nk cover kehitaman.. =p

tada!! ni lah die hasilnye.. tidak begitu menyelerekan.. haha

itulah die nasi lemak smbal telur..sbb cni ssh nk cr kangkung, tomato pon boleh! huhuhu..
skejp je nk msk sume ni, adela lebih krg 1 jam..haha, padahal lme ek..
okies, itu sahaje arine..

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

special days out!

kalo kt dublin ni, nk befesyen2 cm xbape nk sronokla sbb nnt pnt2 dress up aleh2 kne pakai coat gak..
sejuk j kteorg xkesah la der..jnji leh dress up..huhu
tp bkn salu pn, kteorg pakai lawa2 on certain occasion j, kate dtg cni nk blaja, bknnye nk melaram..hee~~

silela tngk gmbr2  mse ade the so called 'special days'. =)

ni dlm fiiting room F21
fitting room zara

nk g dinner yg xjd~ T-T

kt dlm bilikku yg serabot

nk pegi tngk movie ni : black swan yg hampeh!

on d way g shopping kt dundrum
konon2 posing, walhal~~ plek j.. =D
conclusionnye, sume gambar amek kt fitting room..huhuhu..
best woo, cermin besar gedabak, br syok camwhore..haha ape barang mirror kt toilet..hee~
(padahal salu gak wt)

ok tata!

my first ever post!! (sounds really cliche~)

haha.. i shud be studying now but i ended up creating this blog.. ;pp
xpela.. nk blogging jgk! cm menarek.. nk this blog full of photos n happy stuff..

cheers! (gle dublinish..huhu)