Wednesday, March 16, 2011

bad day!

sory coz i wanna write this entry in malay. juz to give more dramatic impact to it..

bengangnye arine!! rase nk, sepak org je.. isykh!!
motivate myself to 'jangan tunggu sngtla bende yg dh tao xkan jadi pn.. buang mase, punah harapan hancur impian je nnt'.. dont put high expectation on something that u really sure that it is not going to happen..
trust me! it will let  u down so great that u eventually want to cry all day long~~
it's the best ever thing for me to get rid of my sadness..
aaah~~ what the?? i cannot go on like this.. i must do something bout it but i dont know what!


everything is rather gloomy n dreadful for me now...
wish to just forget bout everything~~
but i know, i cant................

what's more, i got knocked down by a guy while holding lots of groceries in the bbus just now! just completed my bad day~~~

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