Saturday, March 05, 2011

obsessive compulsive disorder. is it too harsh??

today i wanna talk about my habit which i'm afraid it's caused by paranoid that later can develop into OCD.. oh no! i just learned from my hdbs pbl that if someone who has ocd tend to become very obsessive over a small thing.. hmm~~

it's all started when i got some kind of facial redness with some small bumps over my entire forehead, cheeks and also my nose. it was really damn horrible and deep depression followed back then only because of that dermatological cause.
but now, alhamdulillah after going to dr yap (an old sometime fun sometime sarcastic dematologist..haha.)my face is getting better. and here comes the best part, from then on, i've been using tissue papers to wipe my face! i mean on every single time i wash my face. tissues have become my companion whenever i go in the past few years..

i dont know. i just feel that if i wipe my face with towel or left it to dry, there will be
bacteria that stucked everywhere to ruin my face again.. AAHHH! very paranoid.. hahaha..

need you~~ huhu

so is it OCD or i'm just being paranoid? huhu..
as quoted from my anatomy instructor, 'medical students always diagnose themselves out of paranoid after learning some clinical points' =P
it's so true~~ hahaha..


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