Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my da!

who is ur bestfriend??
is it someone close to u right now, or is he/she far??
haih~ mine is very far....

miss u so much!!
luv u so much!!

she's always there when i need her...
she's always can understand me...
she can read my mind.. (pretty cool heh?) =p
she knows my secrets..hee~
she knows me well..
she's a motivator for me..
she's the reason me n hazmi to be an item..=)
she's the place i gowhen im down..
she's the place i go when im happy..
she's my guardian..
she's my life...
and the list goes on~~

dunno what to do without her..
we'll soon meet! we're going to go shopping, travelling, snapping pics, n lotsss more tao2...

do take care of urself.. dont eat food that could cause u diarrhoea.. isykh3! =(
dont be sad, u must stay strong.. nnt jgn cr keje jaoh2 tao, kt kl jgk tao! nk jmpe da selalu~~ T T
luv + mis u da!!

gud luck for ur german exm tomorrow~ =)

1 comment:

  1. ka~~~~nak nanges ley x??? huk3...syg ka byk2!!!!

    p/s: btw ka,he got the parcel already ;)


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