Wednesday, March 09, 2011

grand iftar + post viva dinner!

this week has been very busy so i dont have much time to update this blog, but i'll now share both events that happened on different days.. =)

grand iftar was held at malaysia hall. we dressed in baju kurung the whole day, which the class started at 9-5 straight with only an hour interval for lunch. phweeeh! so tired.. but~~~ the food was super duper good! huhu.. didnt get chance to snap many pics on that day bcoz the food was the main

oh, i met one of my integomb senior there but unfortunately i didnt know her but she did know me.. what a shame~ hee..sorry sis, maybe i dont know my integomb seniors well. huhu..

then, here goes the horror part.. i got a physiology test + anatomy viva on the same day! that is today.. really busy studying anatomy the whole weekends but didnt touch any physiology book. but it ended up with less correct answers for anat and almost perfect physiology test...haih~~ very saddening, but i did try my best. just pray that the marks would be just fine..

and the best part was, my rumate and i went straight to 79 buffet for a dinner and had some shopping after that.. wee! a pretty tiring day~~
italian corner..

japanese, chinese and thai corners

so delicious!

different kind of spaghetti and pasta!

salad +dessert + more spaghetti!hee~


very serious face while eating..haha

the unique water jar~

me in the morning~ =)
oh, i witnessed a snatching handbag episode in front of my eyes just now. it was at the bus stop while waiting for the 'ever popular but will stop soon' 128 bus.. poor the girl, very shocked that she only yelled 'oh my god' and no one seemed to run to catch the bad guy~
so, people! be careful next time~


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