Friday, March 04, 2011

is english THAT important??

why english is essential in our life? compared to other languages such as my mother tounge MALAY! and also arabic.. personally, i really love arabic but it is too sad, bcause after been studying arabic for about 15 years, i have to let go and go for english!.haha..but i still read quran in arabic.. good2.. =)

now, i think i have to start conversing more in english because i'm not very fluent like others here in dublin. really need to polish it up bcoz it will be very important to me during my clinical year..
AAARGH! i'm very scared if that thoughts crossing through my head...
so, motivate me! english english english..

as a kick start, i'll be posting in this blog in english.. =)
so, minna! wanna join me? let's englishing.. huhu


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