Friday, March 04, 2011

need new hairstyles people?

i'm currently obsessed over korean thingy. they r so cute even though they put on less makeup. so jealous! huhu.. hairstyles r very subjective since we need to match it up with our face shapes. u know like if u have a rounded face, then u should'nt have a very short hair and what so ever..
so let's look at my current style obsessions! =)

really love her fringe~ so cute..
i'm so into fringes and bangs..but i'm not sure if it really suits me or not. hmm~ wanna change my hairstyle so badly.. =(
but for shorter hairs, i like this kind of style.. see below~

ouch, so adorable! huhu
wa, i'm officially so into straight cut with a fringe.. haha

if longer hair is ur option, then u should consider her style..

her bangs is so hot!

i'm going to get a new hairstyle when i'm back to malaysia.. so what about you guys?
wanna change? change NOW! hee~

all pictures r courtesy of mr google..

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