Wednesday, March 30, 2011

april is coming!

im so lazy to update this week.. maybe there is no interesting occassion i guess.. just goin to classes as usual..
and oh, we finally got our exam timetable and it'll end on the 9 may people! i have a week of shopping spree before flying back to my lovely Malaysia~~ =) hehehe..

just ordered some cool stuff from elf cosmetics and cant' wait for them to arrive.. i think within these 2 weeks.. do check them out! suitable for budget makeup starter like i am.. just want to try out some new things after being promoted by my dearest sister, kak nisa!!
here's the link~

 i bought this one and a few other brushes and tools.. not really want to try their makeup because im afraid it will not compatible with my skin though.. hee~

i want to share one of my favourite makeup tutorial = xteener! like her asian look + beautiful makeup~

that's all for the update today.. and by the way, im going to have the final exam in 1 month time. hope to get flying colours because i want to go home early.. amin~ 
and it's going to be april soon! i really3 love april!! =))

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